Unfortunately promo codes cannot be combined, nor can multiple codes be applied to a single order.
Always make sure to review your order summary before completing checkout to make sure you've got the sweetest deal!
Can I combine promo codes on my order?
Unfortunately promo codes cannot be combined, nor can multiple codes be applied to a single order.
Always make sure to review your order summary before completing checkout to make sure you've got the sweetest deal!
Do you have any discount codes or offers?
My promo code is not working. What should I do?
We recommend copying and pasting your exact code into the discount code box in your cart to apply your discount.
Keep in mind that promo codes cannot be combined.
Where / How do I enter the promo code?
You can add a promo code at the shopping cart stage with the following steps:
> Click on the Cart Icon
> Click Apply a promo code
> Enter your promo code
> Click Apply
> Proceed to Check out
Do promo codes expire?
Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and this is the case with our promotions. All promo codes come with an expiration date. We recommend that your double check the promotion details before placing your order.
I subscribed to your newsletter but never received the code. What should I do?
Once you subscribe to our newsletter you will receive a welcome email together with the promo code! If you have not received the email, please check your spam/junk folder, alternatively we suggest subscribing again.
How do I subscribe to your email list?
Take a look down at the bottom of the page and you'll see a super convenient little box to pop your credentials in!
How do I unsubscribe from the email list?
If you wish to unsubscribe simply select 'unsubscribe' at the top of the email. We hope to see you back soon!